Human kind has always advanced to levels never thought before. We ran the mile under 4 minutes, traveled to the moon, and created the internet. However, would be no exaggeration to say that Alex Honnold feats are within the realm of redesigning whats possible or not.
To make an opinion of mine clear, Alex Honnold is definitely not a “crazy guy after some adrenaline rush”. On his line of work, being successful means to remain alive, a feat not easy for those who are constantly pushing the limits. Honnold – based on his media appearances and discourses – is a highly methodic, sober, drug free hard worker. His feats are the results of an incredible imagination, life time dedication mixed with an unique talent that comes around once in a while in the shapes of Phelps, Jordan, and Bolt.
Alex Honnold has more rock climbing mileage than almost any active climber today. He is at his environment when climbing on El Cap, and likely way safer than many climbers that drag tons of gear to feel safer.
Of course on his line of – extreme – work, things can go wrong, but it seems that Honnold have the power to not fear his imagination, and confront the reality and fulfill his call on earth – free solo at a level never seen before. In addition, it is very likely that many of his feats will – NEVER – be repeated.
I have not seen the movie Free Solo yet, but I am looking forward to it. Like the other stars, it is a privilege to witness such a level of dedication and success at the highest – no pun intended – level.
What you think? Bad example or Leadership through example? Would you sponsor Alex Honnold as your ambassador? Please let us know in the comments.